
DCC COVID-19 Statement

17 July 2020

As the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic evolve we want to assure members that we have been staying up to date with the latest advice and guidance available from government.

We have an NT Health approved COVID-19 plan in place and have adopted a number of procedures at our events, including Hidden Valley Criterium Training:

  1. Online payment system
  2. Observing 1.5 metre physical distancing prior to and after riding
  3. Bring your own water bottles and equipment
  4. Handwashing facilities and/or hand sanitiser available 

And remember, if you are unwell please do not attend training or our events, stay at home and seek medical advice. If you start to feel unwell during training, please advise a member of the DCC Committee or another participant while observing physically distancing requirements.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind all our members of the importance of keeping up to date with current advice regarding steps that should be taken to limit the spread of CVOID-19 in the community.

This is a challenging time for individuals and organisations alike. Please do what you can to keep yourself and your families well and lookout after.

Ben Gibson 
On behalf of Darwin Cycling Club Management Committee

Darwin Cycling Club Incorporated I ABN: 58 093 128 787 I PO BOX 42038 Casuarina NT 0811